Captions in Instagram posts are the second thing that the audience looks at after the post. Writing captions can be tricky especially when you have to be creative and innovative in your ideas to attract an audience instantly. Instagram allows users to write captions up to 2200 characters! Interesting right? It’s like writing your own mini blog under caption.

Since Instagram gives you such a creative space for writing your unique captions, there are certain tips you should follow to write engaging and attractive captions, for both regular instagrammers, business and even creators.


Short and catchy

Even though Instagram allows you to write long captions, you must keep your captions short, simple and catchy. When a user sees a post and then looks at long captions, most of them just skip the caption because nobody has time and interest to read such long captions.

Then no matter what you want to describe in your caption, it gets wasted. That is why write captions that catch their interest especially for business and creative posts where you have to catch the audience’s attention fast and tight.

Don’t let your caption be only emoji

You might have seen many people just randomly add only emoji to the caption and don’t write anything. That is really weird isn’t it? Adding only emoji to the caption leaves the audience in the perception that you aren’t creative at all to think captions.

If you don’t feel like writing captions, it’s ok. Make it a one liner caption that will also do. For example, just write about your mood in a creative way like ‘delighted with love’ or ‘aesthetically peaceful’ or ‘in search of tranquility’ and so on. Moods written in such a unique and creative way is also enough. Adding only emoji will ruin the essence of your Instagram post.

Write for audience and not for yourself

When you write captions in your post, you are writing it so that the audience reads and understands your thoughts. So you have to make sure to use the language and vocabulary that people will understand better. Avoid using technical jargon.

Divide the captions if it’s long

It’s understandable that you have to write long captions in certain situations whether you are writing captions for personal accounts or business. Especially for business when you have to write more to describe what you’re offering.

When writing long captions, divide the captions into small paragraphs. In that sense the reader can catch a breath and doesn’t get bored while reading it. Write something catchy and engaging on the first two lines to catch the attention of the reader in the beginning itself so that they develop the interest to read the whole caption.

Add hashtags, if necessary

Adding hashtags depends if you want your post to reach many people. If you are a business and creator account then you must add hashtags in captions for more reach. You can still add captions if you are a personal account. It will look cool and trendy to add hashtags in such a case.

But don’t over add hashtags. Use hashtags in limit otherwise it hampers the algorithm of the reach.

Writing a caption on Instagram is fun and brainstorming work so you have to follow the tips to make your post appealing and interesting with captions. Keep it short, simple, unique and attractive!

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